Our vision is to teach people Controlled Remote Viewing and provide them the opportunity to specialize in this extraordinary ability. Therefore, at the heart of our training program is a three-part seminar series on Controlled Remote Viewing. Building on this, our students have the opportunity to specialize in various directions, enabling them to utilize their acquired skills beneficially.
If your desired seminar is not listed or the scheduled dates are not suitable for you, please feel free to contact us. We will find a date that suits you.
The specializations usually include advanced, specific learning content. For example, specialization in healing work encompasses the complete seminar series on Biological Healing Knowledge. With the concept of specialization, students have the opportunity to apply Controlled Remote Viewing according to their interests and, if desired, work as freelancers.
Our Controlled Remote Viewing training program
Our special concept combining the Biological Healing Approach and Controlled Remote Viewing
In this training you will learn to use Controlled Remote Influencing for healing purposes
Here, you will master your monitoring skills