Controlled Remote Viewing Training

Become a remote viewer ​

We are trainers for Remote Viewing. Having been trained ourselves in this technique at the highest level, we set the highest standards for our seminars. Our goal is to provide aspiring Remote Viewers with all the essential tools for navigating the infinite store of information, as well as to impart an understanding of the background of the technique. Enjoyment in viewing and monitoring is just as much a focus as handling uncomfortable situations during a session safely. Our training concept is based on the Controlled Remote Viewing protocol as taught by Lyn Buchanan.

Our Experience as Trainers ​

As trainers for Remote Viewing, we have guided many students from their first session to operational client projects. We ourselves have several years of experience as Remote Viewers and Monitors. Our life paths also allowed us to lead Remote Viewing projects very early on; an experience that benefits us in both our contract work and our training.

Our fascination with Remote Viewing remains undiminished even after all these years, and we try to convey to our trainees the feeling that has always accompanied us, that Remote Viewing is and should be primarily one thing: joy!

Educational Material

Comprehensive manuals are included

Intensive Support

Weekly classes, tutorials and webinars

Practical Exercises

Intensive exercises to deepen the content as well as participation in weekend workshops.

ITM - Community

Networking and exchange with other students

Seminar Objectives

In training our trainees, we set very high standards for ourselves, and it is a personal concern to us to train each student as well as possible and to provide support beyond the training. For us, this means addressing the prior knowledge, needs, and worldviews of each trainee individually and meeting them exactly where they are.

In terms of content, we place great emphasis on ensuring that our trainees can learn and experience the full spectrum of Remote Viewing. Therefore, we don’t just rigidly teach the Remote Viewing protocol; we also engage with the following questions:

What are the possibilities and what are the limits of Remote Viewing?
What are the mental processes, and what phases does the viewer go through when making contact with the target?
What kinds of disturbances can occur, and how should they be handled?
What dangers lurk in Remote Viewing, and how can one safely deal with them?
What philosophical implications arise from Remote Viewing, and what are possible physical explanations?
What is the role of the monitor, and what should they be aware of?
How can session results be objectively evaluated?

Our goal is a comprehensive training, so that upon completion, the trainee not only masters the details and subtleties of the protocol but is also capable of operating in larger teams.

The Path to Success - Our Training Program

The training program from Into The Matrix is designed for everyone who wants to fully immerse themselves in the subject of Remote Viewing and understand its theoretical background. The trainee will experience a 3-part seminar series, where in addition to comprehensive theory, great emphasis is placed on practical experience. Our goal is to provide optimal support in learning Controlled Remote Viewing and to act as a companion along the way. This commitment is reflected in our training structure! We offer:

Very comprehensive and detailed teaching materials and manuals
Intensive supervision with weekly online lessons, tutorials, and consultation hours
Regular webinars for in-depth exploration and review of the course content
Regelmäßige Praxisaufgaben zur Vertiefung der Lehrinhalte
Access to the ITM community and the opportunity to network with other students
Practice targets, operational targets, participation in our project group
Free repetition of already booked seminars

The training duration to become a Remote Viewer at Into The Matrix is approximately 8 months. The first 3 months include the foundational seminar. Advanced seminars 1 and 2 follow, each lasting about 2.5 months.

During each seminar, we offer weekly:

A 2-hour lesson to convey the course content
A 1-hour tutorial to discuss questions, practical exercises, and homework
A 1-hour consultation hour for all students regardless of their level of training
Twice a year, we organize practical weekends in the form of in-person events, which students from Into The Matrix can attend regardless of their level of training. It’s a great opportunity to meet, network, and practice together.

Basic training

In our Controlled Remote Viewing Basic seminar, we introduce trainees to the topic of „extrasensory perception.“ As an entry point into the training, we first explore the historical background of Remote Viewing before delving into the details of this method. We take into account the individual prior knowledge and needs of our trainees to ensure an optimal start into life as a viewer.


Upon completion of the Basic Seminar, the trainee is capable of describing the target area with sensory and dimensional impressions and even sketching it. They have gained a deep understanding of the method and comprehend the principles of communication with their own subconscious mind. Additionally, they are proficient in using their cognitive abilities and have a sense of the mental and spiritual aspects of establishing a connection with the target area. The trainee can apply their newly acquired knowledge as a viewer and also guide other viewers as a monitor.

Training Contents

What Remote Viewing is
How the subconscious mind experiences the world
Stages 1-3 of Controlled Remote Viewing
What ideograms are and why they are central to the viewing process
The roles and responsibilities of the monitor

How to describe the target in sensory and dimensional categories
The natural progression of remote viewing and why the Aesthetic Impact is a milestone
How to sketch the target and explore it in all facets
How the viewer safely and successfully handles challenging target areas

Central to the training is the successful interaction with one’s own subconscious. Therefore, we delve into ideograms in detail on the first day of training, and the trainee learns the significance of the body in communicating with their own subconscious. Since the conscious mind is always present, the trainee learns to manage analytical overlays (AOLs) and their own desires, fears, and memories (AOL/s), which can influence the results of the viewing.

Throughout the entire training series, the trainee learns not only how to conduct a Controlled Remote Viewing session independently but also how to work as a monitor and the challenges associated with monitoring.

The basic seminar encompasses the first 3 months of the training and is conducted through weekly lessons and tutorials. The student receives regular homework and access to practical exercises. In recurring consultation hours, questions can also be asked, and content can be discussed.

The practical weekends, which take place as in-person events, can be used jointly by our students according to their level of training to work on targets and projects.


Controlled Remote Viewing – Basic

3 months of intensive supervision
Twice yearly opportunity to participate in practical weekends
Comprehensive introduction to Stages 1-3
Practical sessions covering both viewing and monitoring
Manual included
Access to the ITM Community
Free seminar repetition

Intermediate training

In Controlled Remote Viewing – Intermediate, Stage 4 is the central method for exploring the target area in its finest details. Stage 5 provides tools to deal with blockages and persistent Analytical Overlay (AOLs).


With this seminar, the trainee is equipped to view real (operational) target areas and address personal questions. Using Stage 4, the trainee has a method to organize and document large amounts of data systematically and securely. From now on, the trainee spends the majority of their sessions in Stage 4 and understands the importance of Stages 1-3 in the process of establishing contact with the target. The student no longer describes the target solely in sensory and dimensional categories; they are now also capable of perceiving people and living beings (including their actions, thoughts, and emotions), as well as the meaning and significance within the target.

If the trainee ever encounters blockages, they have various Stage 5 tools at their disposal to resolve them upon completing this seminar.

Training Contents

Stage 4 as a central component of Controlled Remote Viewing
Proficient handling of perceiving other individuals
Utilizing Stage 5 tools for resolving blockages

Tasking and dealing with a probability-based future
Introduction to Associative Remote Viewing

Stage 4 is a central component of Controlled Remote Viewing and allows for detailed exploration of the target area. With Stage 4, it is possible to perceive and describe individuals and living beings, including their thoughts, feelings, and actions, as well as to put in writing the meaning or purpose of various aspects within the target area.

In der Stufe 5 erlernt der Trainee eine Reihe von Werkzeugen für den Umgang mit Blockaden und hartnäckigen Verstandesleistungen (AOLs). Diese Werkzeuge dienen ihm als Unterstützung, um in verfahrenen Situationen den Viewingprozess wieder aufnehmen zu können.

In Controlled Remote Viewing – Intermediate, the focus is on Stage 4, which allows for a detailed exploration of the target area, including perceiving individuals, their thoughts, feelings, actions, and the meaning or purpose of various aspects of the target. Additionally, the seminar covers tools in Stage 5 for dealing with blockages and persistent Analytical Overlay (AOLs).

This seminar also addresses proper tasking, which involves formulating the goal of a Remote Viewing session. Since the trainee can confidently view operational questions upon completion of the seminar, the seminar also delves into viewing the future. In this context, the viewer learns the basics of Associative Remote Viewing to predict the outcome of future events.

The intermediate seminare encompasses 2.5 months of the training and is conducted through weekly lessons and tutorials. The student receives regular homework and access to practical exercises. In recurring consultation hours, questions can also be asked, and content can be discussed.

The practical weekends, which take place as in-person events, can be used jointly by our students according to their level of training to work on targets and projects.


Controlled Remote Viewing – Intermediate

2.5 months of intensive supervision
Weekly online lessons, tutorials, and consultation hours
Twice yearly opportunity to participate in practical weekends
Comprehensive introduction to Stages 4 and 5
Practical exercises covering both viewing and monitoring
Stages 4 and 5 manual
Access to operational targets from the ITM Community
The option for a free repeat of the seminar

Advanced training

In Controlled Remote Viewing – Advanced, Stage 6 introduces a comprehensive set of tools that enhance the viewing process in Stage 4.


With the completion of this seminar, the trainee becomes a fully trained Controlled Remote Viewer and can now use the method extensively for operational purposes. This includes mastering the handling of timelines for event descriptions, measuring various dimensions, working with maps, and conducting in-depth perception of individuals and living beings. If needed, the trainee can even create a 3D model of the target area using modeling clay.

The trainee gains a deeper understanding of ideograms and realizes that everything around us can be seen as an ideogram.

They can apply their knowledge and experience in project teams or work as a professional viewer in fields such as healing or contract work. The trainee is proficient in using application-specific Stage 4 matrices.

Lastly, they understand the significance of their role as a viewer and are aware of the importance of ethical conduct as a remote viewer.

Training Contents

Level 6 as an expanded toolkit
Handling timelines to describe temporal sequences
Conducting measurements of various dimensions
Working with maps
Modeling the target area

Deepening understanding of ideograms
Enhanced perception of individuals
Application-specific Stage 4 matrices
Ethics in remote viewing
Introduction to Extended Remote Viewing

Stage 6 of Controlled Remote Viewing includes a set of valuable tools that complement the work in Level 4 and can be integrated into it as needed. This includes working with timelines, measurement scales, maps, and 3D models. Advanced techniques, such as a specific pendulum method, are taught for the confident use of these tools.

The training in the advanced seminar includes the exploration of alternative Level 4 matrices, such as those related to person perception or describing complex situations, including possible courses of action.

Since the trainee is fully trained in Controlled Remote Viewing upon completion of this seminar and can view various questions using the techniques and tools of the method, ethical principles are developed and discussed together with the student. This aims to raise awareness of the impact of their work with Remote Viewing.

The Advanced class encompasses 2.5 months of the training and is conducted through weekly lessons and tutorials. The student receives regular homework and access to practical exercises. In recurring consultation hours, questions can also be asked, and content can be discussed.

The practical weekends, which take place as in-person events, can be used jointly by our students according to their level of training to work on targets and projects.


Controlled Remote Viewing – Advanced

2.5 months of intensive supervision
Weekly lessons, tutorials, and consultation hours
Twice yearly opportunity to participate in practical weekends
Comprehensive introduction to Stage 6
Practical exercises covering both viewing and monitoring
Stage 6 manual
Access to the project group of the ITM community, including the opportunity to participate in videos and podcasts
The option for a free repeat of the seminar

Our Service, Our Prices

The service package of our seminar modules for training in Controlled Remote Viewing includes:

Access to weekly lessons for content delivery (once in the morning, once in the evening)
Access to weekly tutorials to discuss questions and homework (once in the morning, once in the evening)
Access to video recordings of lessons and tutorials
Access to consultation hours for clarifying questions
Access to the practical weekends held twice a year
Free repetition of booked seminars
Teaching materials
Access to the ITM community and networking with like-minded individuals
Opportunity to view practice targets provided by us
Participation in our advanced offerings such as viewing operational targets and project work

Service Bundle

per booked seminar of the training

Comprehensive theory
High proportion of practical exercises
Extensive teaching materials
Intensive support even after completion
Free repetition
Access to the ITM Community
Participation in our practical weekends

Remote Viewing is teamwork. Since sessions are best conducted in pairs, it is worth bringing a partner or a friend. In this case, we offer reduced partner discounts.

Seminar Price per Person Partner discount
Controlled Remote Viewing – Basic Training 2000€ 3500€
Controlled Remote Viewing – Intermediate Training 2000€ 3500€
Controlled Remote Viewing – Advanced Training 2000€ 3500€
Videokurs Controlled Remote Viewing – Complete Package 5200€ 9000€

All prices listed include VAT.

Would you like to learn more about our training offerings? Feel free to read through our additional information on this page. If you have any questions or are interested, we look forward to your inquiry!

Begin your training as a remote viewer today!

If you’re interested in training as a remote viewer or have any general questions on this topic, please feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to hearing from you!