Extended Remote Viewing


Extended Remote Viewing

Hypnosis Training
Trance Techniques
Theory & Practice

Hypnosis Techniques and Controlled Remote Viewing

In Extended Remote Viewing, the viewer enters a hypnotic state to explore the target. This form of remote perception allows for an intense experience of the target, similar to bilocation. The viewer can have a visual experience of the target and the feeling of being right in the midst of it. It’s not surprising that experienced viewers in this technique can read and hear things in the target, which is challenging or impossible to achieve in normal Controlled Remote Viewing sessions. The deep immersion of the viewer into the target in a hypnotic state makes each ERV session a unique and memorable experience. Due to its different principles, an Extended Remote Viewing session complements a regular Controlled Remote Viewing session wonderfully, making this hypnotic technique an excellent tool for Stage 6 work.

Training Content

In this seminar, in addition to the content related to Extended Remote Viewing, hypnosis and trance techniques are taught. Trainees learn how to induce themselves and, in the role of the monitor, the viewer into a hypnotic state and safely guide them out of it. Furthermore, comprehensive instruction is provided on how Extended Remote Viewing integrates into a Controlled Remote Viewing session as Stage 6 and complements it.

Training Goals

Upon completion of the seminar, the participant is fully trained as a hypnotist, proficient in the technique of self-trance, and capable of safely guiding both themselves and the viewer in an Extended Remote Viewing session.

Training structure

The seminar consists of two days for theory (online) and two days of in-person sessions for practical training.

Start now!

Are you interested in training in hypnosis/extended remote viewing? Feel free to contact us by phone or email.

Participation requirements

As Extended Remote Viewing is integrated as a tool into a Controlled Remote Viewing session, and the associated techniques are of high importance, the minimum requirement for participation is the completion of at least Advanced Seminar 1 in Controlled Remote Viewing training. Participants should be in good mental and physical health. We advise against participation for individuals with epilepsy and heart conditions. Caution is also recommended for those taking medications such as psychopharmaceuticals.

Extended Remote Viewing

Our Prices


Partner discount 2750€
Complete training in hypnosis
Self-trance techniques
Training in Extended Remote Viewing
Theory and practice