Marie is a trained hypnosis and regression therapist and a practitioner of conflict and trauma therapy according to Rainer Körner. She handles the organization and coordination of Into-the-Matrix and is your contact for training and contract work. Her main concern is to support and assist people. To achieve this, she extends her feelers in various directions to provide holistic help. Her focus is therefore on the area of healing work, such as energetic healing and holistic therapy concepts, integrating Biological Healing Approach.
Marie has completed the following trainings:
Timo studied computer science in Marburg and works in the fields of data science, machine vision, and artificial intelligence. For itm contract work, he mainly serves as a viewer, while in training, he explains the theoretical background and, together with Marie, oversees the practical part. He is also your contact for lectures and public relations.
Timo has completed the following trainings:
We both are members of the Partnership Network in the German-speaking region, known as PANDERA. We collaborate with other trainers and professional users of Remote Viewing affiliated with the network to jointly handle larger projects and advance Remote Viewing itself.
Together. Protocol-independent. On equal footing.